Will Judge Christy Mann Run Again in 2020

WFAE asked candidates for Charlotte-area N Carolina judicial races questions well-nigh why they should be elected (or reelected). Here are the answers we've received so far from the candidates.

Cheri Beasley
Cheri Beasley

NC Supreme Court Chief Justice Seat 1

Why should people vote for yous?
Voters should look at a judicial candidate'due south record of decisions to inform their vote. In the case of the Chief Justice, voters should consider the candidate's plan for the judicial branch. The Primary Justice is not just the justice who sits at the eye of the bench in the Supreme Courtroom—she is the head of the judicial branch for the Country of North Carolina, and her policy decisions impact the everyday lives of all North Carolinians.

Where do you stand with N Carolina's current bond policy?
I would say that the work of improving justice is never done. There will e'er be more that we tin exercise to ensure that every person is treated fairly and equally in our courtrooms. With this purpose in mind, rethinking the fashion fines and fees are assessed in the courts so that people are not punished simply for their inability to pay is a must. Likewise, expanding drug courts and other specialty courts, with a focus on rehabilitation and restoration rather than penalisation, then that people tin move on from the bad decisions of their past to live a successful and productive hereafter is a must as well.

Paul Newby - Supreme Court Chief Justice
Paul Newby

Why should people vote for you?
As the Senior Acquaintance Justice of the NC Supreme Court, I'one thousand running for Primary Justice. I'm the longest-serving justice, having been first elected in 2004, and only electric current justice elected twice to the Supreme Court. I've been a lawyers for more than 40 years and adept in most every area of the law, and am the Court's only former prosecutor. In each case I strive to fairly, impartially, and consistently employ the police force, faithfully interpreting the Constitution and statutes as intended. I do not legislate from the bench. I take a reputation of being an honest, hard-working, mutual-sense justice. As a result, I accept received widespread, bipartisan back up across our Country. Recognized for my legal scholarship, I teach law students, judges, and lawyers. I have written a volume on the NC Constitution and received the Constitutional Rights Laurels and Citizen-Lawyer Award. Knowing the importance of civic teaching, I oftentimes speak to school and customs groups, frequently about my role in directing the recovery NC's stolen original copy of the Bill of Rights. As an Eagle Spotter, I serve the Boy Scouts and take received the National Distinguished Eagle Accolade and the Heroism Honor for rescuing 9 people from a riptide. Delight visit my website at world wide web.paulnewby.com.

Where practise you stand with North Carolina'due south electric current bond policy?
The function of judges is to determine each case which comes before the court on the particular facts of the example and the constabulary as applied to those facts. Without commenting on how I might dominion in a particular example involving bond, as a philosophical matter, the purposes of bail are to ensure that an individual who is charged with a law-breaking will appear in court and to protect the community if the person is considered a danger to others. The employ of bail across these purposes should be seriously challenged. Justice delayed is justice denied-information technology's imperative that each person have his or her day in court in a timely manner. Individuals should not exist languishing in jail because of court delays.

NC Supreme Court Associate Justice Seat 2


Lucy Inman - NC Supreme Court Justice
Lucy Inman

Why should people vote for you?
In 30 years as a lawyer and a judge, I take served people in communities large and small. I am running for the Due north Carolina Supreme Courtroom to preserve the rule of police force, to keep our justice arrangement fair and free from partisan politics and credo, and to pursue equal justice for all.

Every person in every courtroom deserves to be treated fairly and with respect. That means judges must listen, honestly consider the facts of each case, employ the law equally to anybody, without fear or favor, write consistent decisions in terms the general public can empathize, and leave politics at the courthouse door.

In courtrooms beyond our country and at the Courtroom of Appeals, I have fulfilled these duties. I will bring this aforementioned commitment, feel, and skill to the Supreme Courtroom.

Three retired North Carolina Supreme Court primary justices and dozens of retired justices and judges across the state -- both Democrats and Republicans -- accept endorsed me as the most qualified candidate in my race. You can notice out more at www. lucyinmanforjustice.com. I appreciate your caring nigh justice and promise to earn your vote.

Where do yous stand with North Carolina's current bail policy?
Bail and bail reform programs are existence explored in many states, including North Carolina, to accost concerns that many people are incarcerated pre-trial not because they pose a danger to others or are likely to abscond, but because they cannot afford to mail service bail. In full general, our criminal justice organisation could exist made more fair past tailoring bail criteria to reduce pre-trial incarceration when doing so will not endanger offense victims or the full general public. Well-nigh matters of criminal process, including the weather of pretrial incarceration and release, are adamant past the legislative branch, non the judicial branch of government.

NC Supreme Court Associate Justice Seat four


NC Court of Appeals Judge Seat 4

Apr C. WOOD (R)

NC Court of Appeals Approximate Seat 5



NC Superior Court Judge District 26A Seat 1


Alicia D. Brooks - NC Superior Court Judge
Alicia D. Brooks

Why should people vote for y'all?
I am the candidate who is committed to serving this community with integrity and to following the rule of law. I have 28 years of legal experience which includes equally an assistant district attorney prosecuting homicides, a skilled trial attorney in Superior Court, a judicial hearing officer, and a District court judge. I have been at the forefront of efforts to aid those in agile addiction and those with mental affliction through my piece of work in treatment court. During my volunteer work with truancy court, I mentored countless youth and families working to provide them tools, admission, back up, and guidance they needed to thrive and to avoid our youth entering the criminal justice organisation. I supported stronger efforts to aid returning citizens in expunging their convictions thereby enabling them to reengage in guild and to participate more fully in our commonwealth. My experience and my service in our courts and in our customs make me the Superior Choice for Superior Court judge.

Where practise you stand with N Carolina's current bail policy?
North Carolina must continue to improve access to justice for all of its citizens. This includes allowing those without resources the opportunity to be released from jail pending the consequence of their cases and to provide them with adequate representation. Finances should never be a hindrance to obtaining justice but unfortunately in many circumstances, high bonds, excessive fees, and court costs create a barrier for those without the financial means. Many times those with low level charges are held in jail for lengthy stays because they lack the funds to pay in order to be released. Judges must look at alternatives to cash bonds and the least restrictive means to ensure a person'south presence in courtroom such as pretrial release, ankle monitors, and unsecured bonds. This is specially true for those charged with misdemeanor offenses. Equally a Superior Court Judge, I volition utilize the police and care for everyone adequately, regardless of their socioeconomic background.

NC District Court Estimate Commune 26 Seat one

Kimberly Best - District Court Judge



Kimberly Y. Best

Why should people vote for you?
From the Seat to the street, every bit a District Court Gauge for the past 12 years, I accept worked tirelessly to improve outcomes in the courthouse and in the community. I am a certified Juvenile Judge, I take presided over DSS cases and juvenile criminal matters, criminal matters, Evictions, Civil matters, Custody, Kid Support, domestic violence and equitable distribution matters. I believe in putting actions behind my words. I sympathise that Justice is not One Size fits all and that each person who appears before me has a unique history and deserves to be heard and relief granted specific to their standing. I am humbled to have served. I also am a fellow member of Reeder Memorial Baptist Church, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and have participated and volunteered for Truancy Courtroom, Race Matters for Juvenile Justice, Lead Ceremonious Courtroom Judge, Chair of Juvenile Justice Subcommittee, served on the Juvenile Crime Prevention Quango and numerous other community service oriented events and organizations. I humbly ask for you vote and continued support.

Where do y'all stand with North Carolina's current bond policy?
The current country of NC bail constabulary is different than policies nosotros accept implemented in Mecklenburg Canton. We have been proactive in assessing our compliance with the police equally written in NC. Release is presumed unless information technology can be shown that the offender is a flying chance or presents a danger to the customs. Thus, I have justly and fairly applied this standard based on facts presented to me. Defendants who are incarcerated are not to exist detained considering they suffer from a substance use disorder, mental illness or a lack of financial resource. Our electric current bail policy, structured with the help of Harvard University, provides an matrix for Judges to truly appraise gamble level of flight and safety to the community. I have complied with this new policy and believe it offers a off-white cess of defendants who appear before me.


NC Commune Court Judge District 26 Seat 2

Aretha Blake - District Court Judge
Aretha Blake

Why should people vote for y'all?
My judicial experience and leadership, diverse legal experience, stellar academic credentials, proven commitment to service, and professionalism uniquely authorize me to be re-elected to the Commune Court. I have presided over thousands of cases and have been thoughtful in my decision-making and knowledgeable in the application of the constabulary. I have presided over matters related to juvenile delinquency, juvenile abuse, fail and dependency, child custody and support, civil and criminal domestic violence, alimony, equitable distribution, misdemeanor criminal cases, and involuntary commitments. I take exemplary courtroom demeanor and clear expectations of courtroom decorum and professionalism.

My prior legal experience was diverse and provided the foundation for a audio knowledge of the police, an agreement of the rules of procedure, and a standard of professionalism that I have brought to the bench. I practiced litigation in state and federal Courts in NC and SC while at Parker Poe and at my own police force business firm. I am an honors graduate of both Florida Country University (Phi Beta Kappa) and the University of Georgia School of Police (Georgia Law Review). I was the first African-American President of the Mecklenburg Bar Foundation and take volunteered for over sixteen years with the McCrorey YMCA.

Where do you stand up with Due north Carolina's current bail policy?
Due north.C.G.Due south. 15A-534 imposes specific parameters around judicial decision-making in setting of weather of release. In 2019, Mecklenburg Canton implemented a data-driven revised bond policy, which aligns with the governing statute by evaluating in setting weather of release the rubber of the community and the likelihood that an individual will announced in court. The revised bail policy provides objective criteria upon which to set conditions of release and seeks to reduce the likelihood of disparate outcomes. Under both the statute and the revised bail policy, judges retain the discretion to consider, amid other things, whether the release will pose a danger of injury to any person or is probable to result in the destruction of evidence or witness intimidation. Recognizing, in line with data and the argument of the Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court, that the criminal justice system disparately impacts minority communities, the consistent awarding of the governing statute as codified by the legislature and every bit implemented by Mecklenburg County's revised bail policy has the potential to outcome in objective and unbiased outcomes for all defendants while prioritizing and securing community safety.

NC District Courtroom Judge District 26 Seat iii


NC Commune Court Gauge Commune 26 Seat 4


NC District Court Approximate District 26 Seat 5

Organized religion FICKLING-ALVAREZ (D)

NC District Courtroom Approximate District 26 Seat vi

TY Hands (D)

NC District Court Judge Commune 26 Seat vii


NC District Court Approximate Commune 26 Seat 8


NC District Court Estimate District 26 Seat 9


Rex Marvel



Rex Curiosity

King Marvel (D)
Why should people vote for y'all?
I serve our customs as a Family Court Judge and I am committed to my role. As a kid, my life was impacted by the family court arrangement. My mother suffered from addiction, which kept my siblings and me in and out of court. I know how difficult this is on families that's why I work to make the courtroom experience better for families and children.

I have been working throughout COVID-19 to address the rising of domestic violence and emergency custody. We have brought in new technologies like online court that have kept our community prophylactic during the pandemic while besides increasing access to justice for families and children.

I am your judge working for families and children and I am committed to promptly issuing orders and then families can move frontward, ensuring equitable admission to justice and helping courts work better for everyone in our customs. I humbly ask for your vote then I can continue to serve our community as a Family Court Judge.

Where do y'all stand with North Carolina's current bail policy?
The North Carolina Code of Judicial Conduct Cannon three A(6) prohibits any judicial candidate from making public comments well-nigh current North Carolina laws or policy. Therefore, I am prohibited from fully answering this question. Come across https://world wide web.nccourts.gov/courts/supreme-court/court-rules/northward-carolina-code-of-judicial-conduct

I can withal say that prior to becoming a guess I worked for years as an Banana Public Defender representing people in our customs that could not beget counsel. Countless times I advocated for people that could not afford to pay their bond and therefore remained in custody. As a courtroom system striving to be more just and equitable the bail policy is ane of the issues that is currently existence analyzed by judges and stakeholders in Governor Cooper'south Taskforce in Racial Equity in Criminal Justice. Meet https://governor.nc.gov/news/governor-cooper-appoints-members-north-carolina-task-force-racial-equity-criminal-justice

NC District Court Judge District 26 Seat ten

C. Renee Little - District Court Judge

C. Renee Little


Why should people vote for yous?
I wish to serve my community equally a Commune Court Judge because I am committed to service, I have groovy respect for the law, and I am an experienced and collaborative leader. I believe that our Courts should be attainable to all people and I take the knowledge, skills and values needed to ensure that our Courts operate with excellence, efficiency and disinterestedness in the administration of justice.

Where do you stand with North Carolina's electric current bail policy?
As a District Court Approximate I will e'er review the current relevant police regarding pre-trial release, thoughtfully consider the facts before me, and impartially and fairly impose a ruling that complies with the police force.

NC District Court Judge District 26 Seat 11


NC District Court Gauge District 26 Seat 12



Source: https://www.wfae.org/2020-10-12/north-carolina-judges

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